Annual Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community Office of the Director of National Intelligence April 9, 2021 ※現在閲覧できなくなっているようです(2024年7月26日)
ところで、CIA(Central Intelligence Agency:中央情報局)に代表されるインテリジェンス・コミュニティの各機関の活動は、機密情報や秘密工作を扱うことから、諸外国との軋轢を生むことがあります。
米国内においても、プライバシーの保護、国家予算の執行の妥当性、道徳的な観点などから、国民や議会、またホワイトハウスを含めた行政機関との間に常に緊張関係が存在します(たとえば、グアンタナモ米軍基地での収容者に対する CIA による「拷問」を用いた情報取集は米国内でも大きな問題となりました)。
説明が後先になってしまいましたが、インテリジェンス・コミュニティとは何か、という点については、これを統括しているODNI(Office of the Director of National Intelligence:国家情報長官室)のウェブサイトに掲載されている説明が分かりやすいと思います。
The U.S. Intelligence Community is a coalition of 18 agencies and organizations, including the ODNI. The IC agencies fall within the Executive Branch, and work both independently and collaboratively to gather and analyze the intelligence necessary to conduct foreign relations and national security activities.
The IC’s mission is to provide timely, insightful, objective, and relevant intelligence to inform decisions on national security issues and events.
出典:Office of the Director of National Intelligence WHAT WE DO
余談めいた話になりますが、私はワシントン D.C.に留学中、「National Security Policy Process」の講座を受講しました。ちょうど脅威評価についての2019年の年次報告書が出された頃で、授業の中でその報告書を議論することになり、前日の夜に2018年版の報告書と比較しながら必死で読み込んだことを思い出します。
また、同じく留学中に「Intelligence and Policy」の講義を受講した際には、担当教官であったデイヴィッド・トーマス氏(彼はインテリジェンス・コミュニティの一角をなすDIA(Defense Intelligence Agency、国防情報局)で仕事をした経験を持たれていました)から、「アメリカの理想主義は時に外国の伝統や文化を軽視し、米国こそが他国を良い方向に導くと信じ込む傾向にある」との話を聞いたことがあります。
Annual Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community
Office of the Director of National Intelligence
April 9, 2021
In the coming year, the United States and its allies will face a diverse array of threats that are playing out amidst the global disruption resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and against the backdrop of great power competition, the disruptive effects of ecological degradation and a changing climate, an increasing number of empowered non-state actors, and rapidly evolving technology.
The complexity of the threats, their intersections, and the potential for cascading events in an increasingly interconnected and mobile world create new challenges for the IC. Ecological and climate changes, for example, are connected to public health risks, humanitarian concerns, social and political instability, and geopolitical rivalry.
The 2021 Annual Threat Assessment highlights some of those connections as it provides the IC’s baseline assessments of the most pressing threats to US national interests, while emphasizing the United States’ key adversaries and competitors.
It is not an exhaustive assessment of all global challenges and notably excludes assessments of US adversaries’ vulnerabilities. It accounts for functional concerns, such as weapons of mass destruction and technology, primarily in the sections on threat actors, such as China and Russia.
Beijing, Moscow, Tehran, and Pyongyang have demonstrated the capability and intent to advance their interests at the expense of the United States and its allies, despite the pandemic.
China increasingly is a near-peer competitor, challenging the United States in multiple arenas—especially economically, militarily, and technologically—and is pushing to change global norms. Russia is pushing back against Washington where it can globally, employing techniques up to and including the use of force.
Iran will remain a regional menace with broader malign influence activities, and North Korea will be a disruptive player on the regional and world stages. Major adversaries and competitors are enhancing and exercising their military, cyber, and other capabilities, raising the risks to US and allied forces, weakening our conventional deterrence, and worsening the longstanding threat from weapons of mass destruction.
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to strain governments and societies, fueling humanitarian and economic crises, political unrest, and geopolitical competition as countries, such as China and Russia, seek advantage through such avenues as “vaccine diplomacy.”
No country has been completely spared, and even when a vaccine is widely distributed globally, the economic and political aftershocks will be felt for years. Countries with high debts or that depend on oil exports, tourism, or remittances face particularly challenging recoveries, while others will turn inward or be distracted by other challenges.
Ecological degradation and a changing climate will continue to fuel disease outbreaks, threaten food and water security, and exacerbate political instability and humanitarian crises. Although much of the effect of a changing climate on US security will play out indirectly in a broader political and economic context, warmer weather can generate direct, immediate impacts—for example, through more intense storms, flooding, and permafrost melting.
This year we will see increasing potential for surges in migration by Central American populations, which are reeling from the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic and extreme weather, including multiple hurricanes in 2020 and several years of recurring droughts and storms.
The scourge of illicit drugs and transnational organized crime will continue to take its toll on American lives, prosperity, and safety. Major narcotics trafficking groups have adapted to the pandemic’s challenges to maintain their deadly trade, as have other transnational criminal organizations.
Emerging and disruptive technologies, as well as the proliferation and permeation of technology in all aspects of our lives, pose unique challenges. Cyber capabilities, to illustrate, are demonstrably intertwined with threats to our infrastructure and to the foreign malign influence threats against our democracy.
ISIS, al-Qa‘ida, and Iran and its militant allies continue to plot terrorist attacks against US persons and interests, including to varying degrees in the United States. Despite leadership losses, terrorist groups have shown great resiliency and are taking advantage of ungoverned areas to rebuild.
Regional conflicts continue to fuel humanitarian crises, undermine stability, and threaten US persons and interests. Some have direct implications for US security.
For example, the fighting in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria has direct bearing on US forces, while tensions between nuclear-armed India and Pakistan remain a concern for the world. The iterative violence between Israel and Iran, the activity of foreign powers in Libya, and conflicts in other areas—including Africa, Asia, and the Middle East—have the potential to escalate or spread.
The 2021 Annual Threat Assessment Report supports the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s transparency commitments and the tradition of providing regular threat updates to the American public and the United States Congress.
The IC is vigilant in monitoring and assessing direct and indirect threats to US and allied interests. As part of this ongoing effort, the IC’s National Intelligence Officers work closely with analysts from across the IC to examine the spectrum of threats and highlight the most likely and/or impactful near-term risks in the context of the longer-term, overarching threat environment.
出典:Annual Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community Office of the Director of National Intelligence April 9, 2021 ※現在閲覧できなくなっているようです(2024年7月26日)